Ruardean Congregational Chapel
Memorial Inscriptions
In the summer of 2009 I obtained permission from Mr. Reg Duberley to photograph and transcribe the Gravestones in Ruardean Congregational Churchyard which he and his brother now own. We decided it was best left until after the undergrowth had died down a bit to make it easier to find the gravestones, and also to wait until the ground was drier to make it safer underfoot. He gave me the old index list he had from about 1985 and which you will find in the forum thread concerning the notification to remove headstones.
The word was now out among friends and colleagues. Because Mr Duberley wished to clear the churchyard of the headstones quickly and I had had a few offers of help, a date in March 2010 was organised.
It was a glorious early spring day and the response was amazing. On the day more workers than I expected came, with their secateurs, loppers, brushes and even a watering can to carry water from the brook to wash off the stones.
May Brace